Ai Generation for References

Allow me to tackle the smile behind your couch as you look away, Ai is a controversial form of "art" and in many ways it's not true art. What I will say, is that with any technology comes innovation and the ability to incorporate and expand on your own process. Some of this Ai "art" I've had algorithms generate was strictly from a prompt and I've used it to spring board the creative process either in short stories or for sketching. What I decided to do when they implemented the features to give MidJourney the ability to take a photo and generate from a prompt a "new" image, was to take photos from my life and have them reimagine the scene as a horror image. Let me tell you, they took elements from those photos: places, people, items, etc. and made an eerily familiar but off photo. Whether it was the table was the same color, or the wood grain was the same, or the moulding in the kitchen cabinets was identical; It gave a sense of unease. A YouTuber I watched periodically, Pitch Canker, once said during an illustration, "horror is giving the viewer an uncanny feeling." These Ai generated photos from scenes of my life gave me that unsettled feeling deep down. There are some photos I will not share and those truthfully will be lost to annals of time, as they are loved pets that have since passed. The Ai captured a disturbingly similar silloutte of that pet, that gives me chills to this day. Beyond that, I find this style of Ai generation as a brilliant avenue to explore many genres and themes of horror. PS. This page is better viewed on a desktop or laptop. You can still click each individual slider element on the bottom to open up the image on mobile.